
Unique Issues


Doctors, lawyers, engineers, accountants, business owners, corporate managers and other professionals face a unique set of difficulties in their work. In those roles, you face tremendous pressure to deliver services or products, perform nearly flawlessly under tight deadlines, manage business crises, face high levels of risk to yourself, your customers or your company, and make decisions that affect many other people.


  • Difficulty balancing personal life and work responsibilities.
  • Difficulty satisfying relationship or family needs and responsibilities.
  • Feeling alienated or isolated from friends and loved ones.
  • Feeling fearful that you can’t live up to everyone’s expectations of you.
  • Feeling like you’ve lost your sense of purpose, or lost a sense of fulfillment in your work.

These are all common difficulties faced by professionals, and while you may deeply enjoy the challenges and responsibilities in your work, you may feel distress from these issues as well.

Contact Dale Stuart

The Toll It Takes


  • You may be so accustomed to maintaining a professional persona that you have difficulty letting it go and being yourself.
  • You may even be uncertain about who, or what you really are, outside of your professional role. You may have been working hard at your job for many years, but find yourself wondering if that’s all there is to life, or wondering if you can ever actually meet your personal goals for success.
  • You may have devoted so much of yourself to your work for so long, you feel drained and ‘burnt out,’ and question your desire to continue.
  • You feel so concerned about the people who depend on you for your services that you may have a hard time feeling that your own needs are important, or doing what you know you should do to take care of yourself.

If you find yourself facing any of these feelings, you don’t need to feel hopeless about resolving them. I’m familiar with these difficulties that professionals face, and I can offer you guidance for getting through them.

Contact Dale Stuart

How I Can Help


I’ve been in numerous professional positions as an engineer, a manager in a large corporation, a world-class athlete, a business owner and entrepreneur (I’m older than I look!), and I understand the intensity, pressures and pitfalls of professional jobs.

I can help you sort out your feelings and concerns about your work, yourself and your life and help you restore a feeling of excitement for what you do.

You may feel that, in your professional role, you have to be the ‘strong one’ and that you shouldn’t have any difficulties of your own. But as much as we hate to admit it, we all have difficulties from time to time and we have moments when we wish we didn’t always have to be so strong. That’s a normal part of being human.

I can provide a safe, strictly confidential environment where you don’t need to perform, you don’t need to produce, and you don’t need to be perfect. You might be amazed at how refreshing and relieving that can feel!

Contact Dale Stuart

What's The Next Step?


You may not be accustomed to asking for help, but I can help you recognize that reaching out is far more effective than struggling on your own. As social creatures, we humans are wired to find comfort and reassurance in making contact with others who can support and understand us.

Call Dr. Stuart at 310-371-3543

If you’re ready to revitalize you career and your life, call now to set up an appointment for a consultation. Give yourself the chance to relax and let someone else manage the shop for a change. Once I have an idea about the types of issues you’d like to address, we can discuss where to take it from there.


Sessions with me typically last 50 minutes; longer ones are available if you would like. I typically see people at least once per week, more often when needed. We can customize the schedule to meet your personal needs. We can discuss fees during the first session, or over the phone ahead of time.

Contact Dale Stuart